Registrations for Admissions for year 2022-23 starts in January | Enquire Now | +91-7984967303

About Us

Our Mission

Dr Mukundrao K. Pawar School is a dynamically established military school that prepares leaders and pioneers of tomorrow.

Our mission is to develop effectively intelligent personalities right from the inception to develop students into determined, exemplary individuals with qualities of leadership, courage, self-confidence and cooperation amongst counterparts. By providing the highest quality academic, athletic, and extracurricular facilities to our students, we aim to help them become tomorrow’s leaders and officers by improving their physical, cognitive, and analytical abilities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish Dr Mukundrao K. Pawar Shaikshanik Pratishthan as a premier Military Pattern Educational Institution while nurturing our students to be better citizens of the future.

We aim to promote Dr Mukundrao K. Pawar Shaikshanik Pratishthan as a premier Military Pattern Educational Institution while fostering young minds to be better citizens of the future, imbibing military virtues in students. We are about allowing students to pursue their dreams by giving them a spirited start to their careers. By implementing our initiative, we strive to develop the most competent officers for society and the country.

Meet Our Staff

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